Sunday, November 14, 2010

The informational interview provided me with different new ideas. Many times people don't know how prices of one product can affect another factor of production. Different types of industry look for specific job positions in their companies. When companies in are new to an industry, all of the job positions are increasing; they rarely reduce or decrease a specific position. This is the case of Ampacet in Mexico, which was established in this new area six years ago. Ampacet operates in 17 different countries. In general there are some key points of interest.

It is interesting how an increase or decrease in the price of petroleum can affect the price of another product when petroleum is an input for that factor of production.

I learned why the demand for all job positions can be increasing at the same time because a company has been recently established in a new area.

It is interesting as well, to see that the most common jobs are open to engineers. This shows that depending of the industry in which the companies belong, there is certain preference over job positions preferred by each company.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it is very interesting how other products are affected by price fluctuation within the oil and gas sector. A good example of this could be todays market, where oil and gas prices are higher than most people are accustomed to and as a result they decide to drift away from buying vehicles that are designated as "gas guzzlers" and instead buy energy efficient vehicles. Overall I think that this idea of petroleum price change affecting another industry is not only unique to petroleum, but to the contrary it is a common occurance in the global market today especially with globalization in play.
